Change your culture – change your results
Most leaders don’t know what organisational culture is.
They know it has been the defining factor in performance for as long as anyone can remember, but they’re not really sure how to identify or change it.
Seeing culture is like seeing the code behind The Matrix. If you don’t know what you’re looking for, you won’t see anything. Once you do, you'll see it everywhere. You'll also see the profound impact it has on every single aspect of your organisation
If you’re the leader of a team, severely time poor, frustrated by the need to manage conflict instead of performance and may strangle the next well-meaning human resources professional who encourages you to ‘do something about culture’, this book is written for you.
It will tell you why your people behave the way they do, how to effectively influence them to behave differently and ensure that your culture supports your strategy.
Culture is the rules of belonging. Change those rules and you’ll change your culture.
Change your culture and you’ll change your results.
Fiona Robertson is the former Head of Culture for the National Australia Bank, holds an MBA from London Business School and is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. She has consulted to dozens of large and small blue-chip organisations domestically and internationally, coached countless senior executives and speaks professionally on culture and leadership.